
Colonial Williamsburg

It’s our job to keep brands updated and relevant to a modern audience. But what if that brand is all about the eighteenth century? That's exactly what my client, Colonial Williamsburg, was up against as they tried to win over a public increasingly ambivalent about history. Enter "America. Chapter I." campaign. It reminded consumers that Williamsburg was the very place where the idea of America was born, while illustrating that the world's-largest living history museum was just that: alive. Teeming with dynamic exhibits, programs and events.

CW prides itself on authenticity. So in keeping with their dedication, I spent time with their colonial printer and learned eighteenth century typography and printing techniques. I also purchased rare books that included woodcuts from this time period and used all of these materials to create colonial ads with modern flare. The ads simply popped off the page.

1CW_Convicted a Witch1.jpg
2CW_Children Admit Free2.jpg
3CW_Talk to Jefferson3.jpg